A Black & White Beginning to Spring
March 31, 2017 | Featured
Continuing our descent into absurdity in 2017, "the Anti Year," we're pleased to present a triumvirate of black & white (literally and metaphorically) releases. AAX-161 : Dante Augustus Scarlatti & Lather. - Severed Circuits anti-cassette C30 | Limited Edition of 50 No strangers to the abrasive, DANTE AUGUSTUS SCARLATTI and LATHER. team up to present a […]
Auris Apothecary Featured on Bandcamp Daily
March 14, 2017 | Press
A few months back, a journalist ventured to Bloomington to interview Auris Apothecary and see/learn about the operation, most notably the anti-releases. The resulting editorial is a peek into the absurd but admittedly unglamorous sausage factory that makes up this tiny enterprise. We're honored to be featured on Bandcamp, a platform which we have used […]
Label Spotlight on Anti-Gravity Bunny Radio
March 13, 2017 | Press
Justin at Anti-Gravity Bunny was kind enough to do a label spotlight about AA, featuring a whopping 2 HOURS of sounds from our back catalog. Check out the article below and pop on some headphones for a long, and sometimes laborious listen through the annals of AA. http://www.antigravitybunny.com/?p=11073 Auris Apothecary is easily one of the […]
8 Years Ago, Auris Apothecary Entered This Earth
Another year, another wrinkle, another step towards death. 8 years old means we're finally at that age where we're intelligent enough to not kill ourselves playing with knives, but still too stupid to not fuck with fire. As always, big things in the pipeline for the future, but for now, we're firmly planted in 2017: […]